Superchat App
Chat App built with ReactJS, Firebase and MaterialUI. The messages in the chatroom get automatically updated in real time. To join the chatroom, users could easily sign in and get authenticated through their Google account.
Coffee Finder (Under Maintenance)
This app allows the users to search coffee shops near them. Users could also rate the shop and saves the rating in the Airtable database. It's using the Foursquare API to fetch the coffee shops' data. The app uses Geolocation API to get the location of the user. Finally, Unsplash API to fetch images and be used as thumbnails.
SpaceX Launch Stats (Under Maintenance)
A simple ReactJS app that lists the Space X launch missions and their details. GraphQL was used for fetching data in the server and Apollo for the client side. Data is fetched from Space X API version 4.
Wordle Clone in ReactJS
This is a simple clone of the Wordle game and was built using ReactJS. Some hooks that were used: useState, useEffect, useCallback. And for the state management, Context API useContext
Support Desk System (Under Maintenance)
This is a support desk system where a user could register, log in, and create/close tickets regarding issues on products. It was built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack. And JWT (JSON Web Tokens) was used for the authentication processes.
My Homepage
My personal website. Built with NEXTJS, a ReactJS framework. I used Chakra UI and Emotions for the UI components and styles. Framer Motion was also used to give subtle animations/movements of the elements. ThreeJS was used to render, add light, and animate the 3D model. Lastly, Blender was used to create and bake the model.
House Market Place
An app that connects people who want to rent out or sell their homes to people who are looking for accommodations or looking to buying homes. Built with ReactJS as the frontend and Firebase as the backend. Users can register/log in through email address or Google account using Firebase auth. Images are stored in Firebase's Storage and data are saved in Firebase's Firestore database.
Github Finder
A React app to search GitHub profiles and see profile details. It's using the Github API to fetch users and users' profile information. It was styled using Tailwind.
Feedback App
A ReactJS app where a user could register, log in and leave a feedback. User is able to choose rating and write a feedback. User could also delete or edit a feedback and be saved to Firebase Firestore database.